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Dr. Rudolf Steiner, whose partnership with Dr. Ita Wegman MD laid the foundation

What is anthroposophic naturopathy?

What is Anthroposophic Naturopathy?

Anthroposophic naturopathy is a scientific, holistic and human-centered approach to medicine.

Anthroposophic naturopathy recognizes and uses the vast information acquired by modern medicine in the fields of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and diagnosis. It embraces an integrative approach in patient care, with an emphasis upon wellness/prevention, nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, hands –on therapies, hydrotherapy, mind-body therapies, and the belief in the self-healing capacity of the human being. But then it goes further still, adding  knowledge of the laws of the living organism, of the psyche, and the spirit. This knowledge  is derived from a spiritual scientific methodology which expands on the conventional scientific method. It requires—besides an ongoing professional, personal, and moral development—an active inner life, as outlined by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1900’s. Such inner activity leads to a deepened capacity for apprehending the whole human being in health and illness.

Who practices Anthroposophic Naturopathy?

Anthroposophic naturopathy is practiced in North America by board licensed naturopathic physicians in the United States and Canada.

Anthroposophic Naturopathy is part of a much broader movement of anthroposophic physicians in outpatient and inpatient settings in at least 60 countries, along with other allied health providers such as nurses, physician's assistants, movement therapists and art and music therapists. SPAN participates in and contributes to the training of this extension of medicine to qualified naturopathic physicians.

See the Resources Section for Further Contacts here and abroad.

SPAN is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  

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3116 4 St NW
Suite 200

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